TRICON8 is the translational research sub-study of the ICON8 trial. The aim is to establish a large, comprehensive biobank comprising tumour tissue, blood and serial plasma samples with associated clinical data which will be an invaluable resource for high-quality translational research in ovarian cancer.

Translational research

The design of ICON8 provides the opportunity to obtain several valuable tissue collections including:

1. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumour samples which will be used for construction of tissue microarrays & cores taken for RNA/DNA extraction.

2. One-off whole blood sample for DNA extraction: for investigation of hypotheses surrounding germline determinants of prognosis, treatment response and toxicity.

3. Serial plasma samples which will allow the assessment of circulating biomarkers for treatment response and resistance and circulating DNA. Samples will be collected at 4 timepoints: (i) at baseline, (ii) pre-cycle 2(iii) pre-cycle 6, and (iv) at disease progression or 5 years from the start of treatment (whichever occurs first).

Sites may participate in the sample collection at three levels, depending on resources available:

  • Level 1: FFPE tumour tissue samples only
  • Level 2: FFPE tumour tissue samples, and one-off whole blood sample for DNA extraction
  • Level 3: FFPE tumour tissue samples, one-off whole blood sample for DNA extraction, and 4 additional serial plasma samples for longitudinal sampling

Further information

If you are interested in taking part in TRICON8 please contact the ICON8 trial team.

For the Translational Research Manual, please visit the members area.


MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL
90 High Holborn 

ICON8 and ICON8B: mrcctu.icon8and8b@ucl.ac.uk